Compare Birthdays, Maturity and Adoption between Six Popular CMS Platforms

Which publishing platforms are popular? Here is information on Blogger, Drupal, Expression Engine, Joomla, MovableType and WordPress in the following areas;

  1. The year the platform was founded
  2. A round number of plug-ins, modules, widgets, add-ons or extensions as an indicator of the size of the development efforts
  3. A round number as an indicator of the size of the user population

Please note that this information is probably not accurate for many good reasons.  If you have more accurate data and a reference we will gladly update the information and credit you.  The links below take you to the source for that number.

Open Source publishing platforms – Drupal, Joomla and WordPress
Not Open Source publishing platforms –  Blogger, Expression Engine and MovableType

Blogging or Publishing Platforms

ordered by date founded

Blogger started in 1999

Drupal started in 2001

MovableType started in 2001

WordPress started in 2003

Expression Engine started in 2004

Joomla started in 2005

Quantify the Developer Community

ordered highest to lowest number of plugins, widgets, extensions, modules or add-ons

WordPress 6,787 plugins

Blogger More widgets than we’ve got prairie dogs

Joomla 3,564 Extensions

Drupal 6 2,825 Modules

MovableType 852 Plugins

Expression Engine 144 Add-ons

Quantify the User Community

ordered highest number of users to lowest

WordPress 2.8.4 6,499,487 downloads (just this 2.x.x version)

Joomla10,000,000 total downloads since 2005

Drupal 6200,000 active sites

Expression Engine – We assume these cowboys keep their data to themselves.

MovableType – We couldn’t figure out how many wagons are circled here. Any ideas?

Blogger – Not sure who is minding the cattle on this one.

Publishing Platform Data Conclusions

If you have more accurate numbers please share them.

Open Source Content Management Systems are strong contenders with consistent growth.

WordPress is the shiny new object at the moment. Lots of bloggers are moving to WordPress.

Drupal has shown consistent growth. Adoption will continue to increase.

MovableType might be losing ground due to competition

Expression Engine seems to have a reputation well beyond it’s numbers.

Joomla faces strong competition as a late comer.

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One thought on “Compare Birthdays, Maturity and Adoption between Six Popular CMS Platforms

  1. If WordPress 2.8.4 is really downloaded 6.5 million times what does that say for the active usage of it? Think about it. I presume that does not include auto updates via Fantastico for example. And many people run more than one but will only take one download, so it is definitely doing good business.

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