RSS Subscriber Migration from HubSpot

Mark filled out the BlogWranglers contact form to ask about his HubSpot hosted company blog that he is moving to WordPress. He had completed moving his posts and email subscribers from HubSpot on his own.  His question was about RSS. Really Simple Syndication is a great thing, but Mark could not figure out how to […]

Stuck in WordPress 2.0.x? Ready for the Latest WordPress Upgrade?

You might not have guessed that the Blog Wranglers perform WordPress version upgrades for clients since it does not involve migration, but we do just about anything that comes our way. Just this week we were contacted by a client who hosts at DreamHost and was stuck in WordPress version 2.0.1.  She wanted an upgrade […]

Blogger Photo Back-Up Service

Migrations from Blogger to WordPress are becoming more popular.  In our client discussions we hear of the following advantages; Overview of Blogger Migration Advantages All database data and images stored on your own server Improved page load speed SEO enhancements available Increased ease of posting in the WP environment as compared to Blogger Control Your […]