Google Wave, to Surf or Not to Surf … that is the question

Google Wave Invites - How many are left?
Google Wave Invite Panel

Sitting around the campfire drinking a cup of coffee from the blackened pot the other night Jim and I were discussing the most recent means of on-line communication. Frankly, some of it puzzles me. The topic soon shifted to

I think I get a lot of things. For example I was an early beta tester on Newsvine and I was a fairly early user of Gmail. I have a Facebook account and a Twitter account. I get that Facebook is a great “networking” tool, but I honestly see little value in either Facebook or Twitter as means of meaningful communication.

Now, Google Documents I get. I have evangelized those for several years now.  We work with Google Docs both internally and on client projects.   What a great way to get an agenda assembled or create and follow a punch list!

Will Google Wave be an improvement in communication? Will it sink GoogleDocs to Twitter-like disjointed conversations?  Do you see the value in Google Wave or is this just another shiny object that early adopters crave and then drop? We invite you to grab a cup of coffee and tell us what you think.

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